Nissin 340t flash manual download
Nissin 340t flash manual download

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Image Sensor Cleaning Tips and Techniques - en How to replace the deteriorating foam on your camera, Glenn E. John Titterington: Common problems of some SLR cameras - en How to remove the top cover of the camera - a good starting point, Kar Yan Mak - en Kyphoto: Henry Taber: Don´t throw old cameras and stuff away, harvest the parts! - en Google Search, has also the photographic newsgroups - de, en Life in Your Camera - fungus, Toomas Tamm - en Sensor cleaning with discofilm, Rainer Hönle - de "Repair" of a Takumar Lens affected by Yellowing -) Brian Aylings - en "Mushrooms" (Fungus) in a lens, Reijo Lauro - enĬleaning instructions - for microscopes, but some tips are useable for photography, by Zeiss - de Large german forum with plenty DIY projects: DSLR -Forum - de Michael Feuerbacher: Infinity focus calibration - en Rainer Hoenle: IR cut and longpass filter - de Raine rHoenle: Testing the decentring of lenses - de How to modify DSLR and compact cameras for IR photography, some links - de Manual Focus Lenses - Equipment Care and Repairs - enĪnti-Alias Filter and Sharpening, Lester Wareham - enĪ second life for lenses, Roger Cicala - enįungi in Photographic Lens, Toomas Tamm - enįront element scratches - Lens - en Repair-froum of the Vereinigung für Digitalkameraverweigerer - deĪlternative Gear & Lenses - FM Forums - en How to detect and clean fungus from a Vivitar 24 mm f2.8 lens - de Light sealing exchange, mbreu / Nikon Fotografie-Forum - deĮnlarger lens Rodenstock Apo Rodagon 50 mm f2.8 fungus removal - de Japanese JCIS-screws in cameras and lenses, - enĭIY APS / Crop Sensor DOF scale for lenses, Pete Ganzel - en Rodenstock Rodagon 150mm 5.6 lens separartion repair, Benoît Suaudeau - frīuild your own homemade trail camera, Hag's House - en Repair- Forum of the Manual Focus Forums - en How (not) to clean your lenses, Manuel Lino - en Lens baffle to minimize stray light with crop cameras and full format lenses, Christophe Esperado - fr General Camera Repair Tips, - enĬleaning Techniques for Camera Shutters and other Camera Mechanisms, - en Which lens has which iris ball diameter?, CChris / - de Some camera repair manuals, / - enīig Chinese tinkerer forum, /forum - cn Please send me DIY links you know - but I don´t ! are doing all at your (and your camera's) own risk! Please be very carefully with flash capacitors - the could harm your life! Ask an expert for high voltage! The "en" or "de" or other mark behind the link description shows the language of the linked site:Įn = English, de = German, fr = French, it = Italian

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Not every problem or idea is listed here - but most probaly you get some ideas what is possibly your way to get your result.

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Linklist for photographers who dare to repair an modify their camera equipment.

Nissin 340t flash manual download